Pulpit rockPulpit rockPulpit rock

Friday, May 25, 2012

warm weather and a giveaway!

Phew - it definitely is starting to feel like summer! I've been able to wear sandals and shorts anytime I'm not at work.  That also means that the pool for the apartment complex will open tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I just started reading 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' so maybe I'll be able to read it by the pool.  I'm looking forward to swimming some laps, too - it will be a nice variation from the usually running/lifting routine.

Related to outdoor news - Everything has been coated in yellow pollen the last few days. It's been really gross and I think everyone has been suffering from allergies because of it.  I'm looking forward to rain so that we don't have to pay to have the cars washed!

In other news, em has a blog design giveaway here that you should check out!  Entries end on May 31 so make sure to get your name in there. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tulip Festival

The Mr. and I went to the Tulip Festival yesterday. It was definitely worth checking out since we didn't get downtown last year.  There were bands playing all day long at two stages, carnival food, some small rides, random entertainment, contests, and an art festival.  A tulip queen was chosen along with some other 'festival' type of goings-ons.

The tulips reached their peak a few weeks ago, but luckily a few were still in good enough shape to be the popular focus of many cameras.

I don't think I've ever seen black tulips before, but these were pretty cool.

Aren't they so pretty? I think next year I might have to go to the park a week before the festival so that I can take some tulip pictures without so many people around!   We enjoyed our time outside, but it was about 80* out so we were ready to head inside when we were done!
I hope everyone had a great weekend - and Happy Mother's Day, mom!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A disappointing blog background, but all is safe

Hi there.

My blog  background is different because I changed it recently. If anyone tried to visit and saw something about the words 'suspicious' and 'malware' and 'Shabby Blogs', apparently the 'Shabby Blogs' website/backgrounds got hacked. That being said, I previously was using one of their free backgrounds, but I switched to a 'blogger' approved background for the time being. Maybe I'll figure out how to be handy and create something pretty for myself, but for now, this background will do. If you don't like it, then feel free to make me a FREE background that I can use!!! :)

In other news, I went to an ENT and - surprise! - he looked up my nose and down my throat. Riveting stuff, huh? Actually, now that I think of it, he didn't even look in my ears! It's like he only did 2/3 of the ENT job. har har har.

Anywhoo, with all of that boring 'blog background' talk and 'ENT' talk, here is something awesome from Pinterest for Star Wars Day tomorrow:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Colors and PINTEREST!

Look what I found! If you go to letschipit.com, you can put in the URL of a picture and it will give you two sets of color chips that match your picture.  Kinda cool, huh?

And, here are some awesome, unrelated things I found on Pinterest:

Greek Nachos - don't these look quick and yummy??

cute whales

fun planters

Arrested Development joke
Source: steotch.com via happily on Pinterest